Marta Ravasi – Violette di Marte

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The New York International is printed on white paper, the Financial Times is pink.
This year’s nail colour is MINK.
Chanel: Rouge Allure Ink.
Shatush, from brown to blond, is no longer in fashion, people prefer bronde, in between brown and blond.
Armani invented greige – in addition to the unisex.
I take my shirt off, he takes off his trousers.
My keyboard is QWERTZ, his is QWERTY.
I thought I wanted to learn French, but …
In my different attempts to look for a painting of which I had a vague memory, but that seemed to be stuck on my forehead since a few days, I throw words like hooks on Google: “Violet de Mer … I think” …
In Italian it is called “Limone di mare”. I found it a coincidence that I had just made that painting with shellfish – which however are mussels and not sea figs – and that its colour was precisely violet. Not that violet, Mars Violet – that I just bought, but a violet that can be overlapped.
I also found the title of the painting I was looking for:
“November (Violet de Mars)”, Ben Nicholson, 1963.
Now I think that “Violette di Marte” might be a good title for the exhibition, even though Marte and Marta are quite funny together …