He Wei – Hate you, Love you, Fuck you
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Primo Marella Gallery is pleased to present the second solo exhibition of He Wei - Hate you, Love you, Fuck you - a site-specific project, which moving from digital exploration to graphic anarchy, is dedicated to the investigation of shapes, forms and colors. The artist’s research encourages the public to analyze the complexity of explaining «aesthetic» facts and re-elaborating the hierarchy of «beauty».
Born in 1987, in the province of Anhui (eastern China), He Wei begins his artistic studies in China. He later moves to Italy, where he attends the prestigious Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan, a city where he discovered a totally new existential dimension, which has eventually marked his artistic and visual language.
Hate you, Love you, Fuck you presents a path of the artist's research that goes from the beauty to the ugliness, from certainty to doubt, from exteriority to interiority. In recent works, the investigation of an emotional turmoil is particularly accentuated, and it is expressed in a very rhythmic and pulsing language. The signs, shapes, scratches and scribbles. All intertwined between the realistic-figurative compositions of anonymous bodies and the abstract chromatic inserts that force us to go beyond the real figure of the visible. He Wei makes visible some underlying concepts, exposing the fact that behind those masks, those icons of beauty, there is an «ugliness», an irritating monstrous element lurking; it’s not logical, it’s authentic, and it settles within the «beautiful».