55. Biennale – Padiglione estone

Dénes Farkas rappresenta l’Estonia alla Biennale di Venezia col progetto Evident in Advance.
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Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia announces that artist Dénes Farkas will represent Estonia at the 55th Venice Biennale with the project titled Evident in Advance, curated by Adam Budak. The exhibition develops a vast diapason of issues, grouped around the elusiveness of language, the (im)possibilities of translation and the logic of infinite re-translations. Its concept is playfully inspired by an adventurous storyline of American writer, Bruce Duffy’s ground-breaking novel The World As I Found It (1987). The project is a collaboration between the artist and an international team of architects and theoreticians. Dénes Farkas was born in 1974 in Budapest, and lives and works in Tallinn, Estonia. He graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts and has received the annual art prize from the Cultural Endowment of Estonia. Farkas has participated in a large number of exhibitions since 1998, including Intimate Immensity (Musterzimmer, Berlin, 2012).The exhibition is accompanied by a publication which will include essays by the philosophers, Daniele Monticelli and Adriana Cavarero, the linguist Martin Prinzhorn, the writer Bruce Duffy, and the architect Markus Miessen, as well as a rich visual report on Evident in Advance by the artist himself.