57. Biennale – Xavier Veilhan

Xavier Veilhan rappresenta la Francia alla 57. Biennale di Venezia.
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Artist Xavier Veilhan presents “Studio Venezia”, curated by artist Christian Marclay and Lionel Bovier, director of MAMCO (Geneva).
The project “Studio Venezia,” transforms the pavilion’s walls into a musical space, in which some of the most renowned musicians and music professionals could dialogue and create something together. In fact, the word “studio” in the title takes its inspiration from a mutual space that could be divided and shared between artists and musicians.
This immersive artwork evokes not only the Kurt Schwitter’s Merzbau, but also esplicates the deep passion Veihlan has for music. The designed project for the 57th Biennale di Venezia is a multi faced, sculpture, installation painting and photography, as well as hybrids, also engaged in performance and filmmaking.