58. Biennale – Padiglione montenegrino

Vesko Gagović rappresenta il Montenegro alla Biennale di Venezia col progetto “Odiseja – An Odyssey – Un’odissea”.
Comunicato stampa
Title: “Odiseja – An Odyssey – Un’odissea”
Curator: Petrica Duletić
Commissioner: Nenad Šoškić
Artist: Vesko Gagović
The presentation by Vesko Gagović for the Pavilion of Montenegro assumes as starting point Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey”, which revolves around themes such as human evolution and the hypothesis of intelligent extra-terrestrial life. Looking at the massive technologic developments occurred and their impacts on human evolution, Gagović presents the project “Odiseja – An Odyssey – Un’odissea” to investigate the consequences of this phenomena on the subject and the interpersonal relations. The space is divided into four areas, each one occupied by a monumental object, which functions as metaphor for the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. These are the points of reference for the modern civilizations when thinking of the future of the generations to come.