Agnes Questionmark – Chm13hTert

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CHM13hTERT is a long durational performance by Agnes Questionmark proposed within unpostoIMPOSSibile, a season of exhibitions by spazioSERRA. The performance is viewable from Thursday, May 4th to Thursday, May 19th 2023 at the Lancetti station of the Milan Passante railway.
In CHM13hTERT, Agnes Questionmark presents herself as a new hybrid being, whose questionable genesis is yet to be defined. Agnes proposes an image shrouded in mystery, it is not clear if an experiment is being conducted, if an operation is about to be performed or if what we are perceiving is an instance of complex evolution. CHM13hTERT aims to question evolutionary pathways controlled by science, technology and our own will.
If evolution is an endless process propelled by genetic mutations, and humans have the ability to engineer and interfere with the course of mutation, what will become of our bodies? Can we control evolution and become a new species by modifying our DNA or combining it with that of other creatures? What are the limits of what we can do with our bodies?
The artist becomes a vehicle for exploring these questions and reconstructing the relationships between nature, technology, and the human.