Alessandro Twombly – Recent works

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BFAS Blondeau Fine Art Services first exhibited a number of oils on canvas by Alessandro Twombly in 2005. Now it is proud to present a solo exhibition of Twombly’s sculptures and works on paper at its exhibition space at 5 rue de la Muse on the occasion of the forthcoming Nuit des Bains, 3 May 2012.
Though Alessandro Twombly’s motifs are essentially botanic in origin, the themes of his work touch on emotion, life cycles and their expression in art. The sense of space and proportion, combined with the simple effect of juxtaposed colours, is sufficient to produce the sensuous illusion of a floral texture, a profusion of scent, a field of wild irises. Elsewhere, in a flower unconventionally but passionately depicted, the spectator is torn between the sheer luxuriance of forms and colours and the desire to remember where and when the sensation of these extraordinary images was first encountered.
In Twombly’s sculptures, we sense the metamorphosis of the plant from its germ in the soil to the decomposition of its fruit. These visual changes remind us of the spiritual landscape that bestrides the course of our lives and our souls: ‘Made from Essence to describe Essence./ Matter that matters, Mastered.’
Making a single rhythm of colour and the indentation of stone, the gesture of the artist physically records not only the cycle of flesh but the nostalgic memory of an emotion experienced or even imagined. Thus the artist poetically guides the spectator on an introspective voyage.
Alessandro Twombly was born in Rome in 1959. He lives and works in Capranica in the Roman hinterland.
This exhibition is organised in collaboration with Caterina Pazzi.