Amani Bodo
Mostra personale dell’artista congolese.
Comunicato stampa
Primo Marella Gallery Milan is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition in Italy of the congolese artist Amani Bodo.
Born in 1988 in Kinshasa, the artist is one of the most interesting and innovative contemporary artists coming from Africa. Amani Bodo takes his cue from the School of Popular Painting in Kinshasa, an artistic movement mainly figurative and descriptive that criticizes, often with a vein of cynicism and irony, the social and political life of the African community. However, unlike his Masters, Amani Bodo deviates from the representation in comics style in favour of metaphorical and allegorical painting, rich in symbolism.
Using an innovative and very peculiar technique, called in lingala “Mwangisa”, a sort of “dripping” on the canvas, Amani Bodocreates enigmatic images, often surrealistic,c haracterized by a deeper psycho-intellectual analysis.