Brent Wadden – Night Soil

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Peres Projects is pleased to present Night Soil, Brent Wadden’s (b. 1979 in Nova Scotia, CA) fifth solo exhibition with the gallery, and his first in Milan.
“Beyond questions of technique and intention, lies the fact that Wadden’s art is a site of de facto work. Because it is hard work. Weaving has long been the chosen method for him, and one gets the distinct feeling that this is not out of a tendency to ephemeral predilection, but rather that weaving is a mirror for a way of thinking, of a mind at work with an organising, relentless and dedicated labour principle. […]
To work is to repeat, improve and refine but in this case the by-now largely instantly recognisable geometry of a Brent Wadden artwork are also sites of the Joycean mistake, ‘they are portals of discovery’. A way of working for the artist that is constant problem solving, at the loom any error is elevated to an advantage on the surface of the artwork.”
Text by John Holten