Emilia Urbanek – Play pretend
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Milan is getting ready to host Play Pretend, the first solo show of the young German artist Emilia Urbanek, curated by Valeria Schäfer. Emilia Urbanek was born in 2000 in Berlin and has been studying art at the Universität der Kunst since 2019 in the class of Prof. Thomas Zipp. Their works focus on the "examination of being", creating curious and obscure moments of intimacy through an interplay between desire and doubt, lust and skepticism.
Their latest exhibitions include UdK Berlin Rundgang, Klasse Zipp (Jul. 2022), Weserhalle Group Exhibition (Sept. 2022), Artist Inside Group Exhibition (Sept. 2022), Better Go South Paperwork Group (Nov. 2022).
Milano si prepara a ospitare Play Pretend, la prima mostra della giovane artista tedesca Emilia Urbanek, curata da Valeria Schäfer. Emilia Urbanek è nata nel 2000 a Berlino e dal 2019 studia arte all'Universität der Kunst nella classe del Prof. Thomas Zipp. I suoi lavori indagano sul "senso dell'essere", creando affascinanti e oscuri momenti di intimità attraverso un'interazione tra desiderio e dubbio, lussuria e scetticismo.
Le sue ultime mostre includono UdK Berlin Rundgang, Klasse Zipp (luglio 2022), Weserhalle Group Exhibition (settembre 2022), Artist Inside Group Exhibition (settembre 2022), Better Go South Paperwork Group (novembre 2022).