Enhance yr Spectrum

Dopo i famosi 40 giorni di pioggia, l’acqua sporca copriva metà di quel “NO”. La parte superiore vi si specchiava, così, quando andai a fargli visita stava lì, fiero, vicino ad una nuova parola simile a “DIO”.
Comunicato stampa
Enhance yr Spectrum
Ian Edmonds
Giovanni Sortino
She couldn't exorcize her awkwardness and lack of conviction. She sat dappled in light occasionally staring at the sun which screamed from in between the emerald mesh of leaves. A book had told her that dappled light is the best for humans. This was later confirmed when she learned of Brion Gyson resting on a train. The dappled light flitted across his closed eyelids and induced hallucinations. She would hallucinate of triple black diamonds if only she could escape reality.
"HAHAHHAHA!" She laughed out loud.
If only I could escape reality…. She thought to herself. She knew the real problem was confrontation with reality. As a post-op mermaid nearing the end of the two years of surgeries and skin grafts from various labs in various petri shaped patches she would walk in under three years and jog in five. The specialists would fuse her long spine and then split it in half. They would snip her giant liver down to the size of a sea slug (13%) leaving her yellowed and weak. Her psychoanalyst learned just how powerful her advanced genes had made her mind but she found her "opposite of asperger's!!!!" only a burden. The only thing she wanted was to be able to ski. She would douse herself in perfume in the hopes that someone would take her for a winter hare and not a spring salmon. Some true exercise! She didn't want to be the Darryl Hanna of Splash! but the one of Blade Runner. Not a mythical being of singularity but the replicant without an original thought. She had heard a lot of pop music in her time on land and her emotions seemed predictable enough.
She was conceived in the semen filled seas of Blubber Bay where two hipsters on a Ryan McGinley photo shoot came to mate with the herring under the pink curtains of aurora borealis. She spent most of her life alone. In the early 80's she fell in with a pod of porpoises near Hornby Island but she could never hit the high notes and didn't care much for their whines anyways. She met Errol there. He loved her chelsea. She thought he was nice until she found out he didn't know what "NO" meant. After that she bummed around the Mediterranean. She made money how anyone in her position would. She took advantage of religious people. In this one village near Messina she found people throwing money into the sea. She threw a rock back.
Non poteva immaginare che dagli sci, allo snowboard, alla pinna sarebbe passato un anno e mezzo.
Ci troviamo a metà. Guardando in mezzo alle ginocchia il bianco restava bianco. Retrocedendo con il fuoco poteva ora vedere, in ordine: snowboard, cosce, ginocchia, onde della giacca, mani, guanti, pass, portapass; avrebbe riso il suo nome sottosopra, sarebbe diventata seria con il portapass ma fu troppo in fretta e rimase ebete.
"Dio non voglia che fosse attaccamento personale a incidenti di percorso, quindi traduzione e evoluzione estetica degli stessi" gridò.
La signora, che stava alla sua sinistra, bleffando chiese "Era un collega?"
"NO" rispose... voleva chiudere la conversazione. Non ci riuscì.
"Mio nipote aveva una piscina..."
La signora poteva leggere il pensiero e scorse Santino e Thamara. Così continuò tradendo il suo bluff. "Si lo so che il mare è il mare, io sto con te, finora siamo due contro due e poi non portarti il passato in seggiovia... Dicevo mio nipote non aveva preferenze, ma un giorno svuotò la piscina e fece un "NO" cemento e forati due metri per due.
Dopo i famosi 40 giorni di pioggia, l'acqua sporca copriva metà di quel "NO".
La parte superiore vi si specchiava, così, quando andai a fargli visita stava lì, fiero, vicino ad una nuova parola simile a "DIO".