
Lucie Fontaine presenta Entourage. Tra i molteplici termini francesi adeguati e ora parte del vocabolario americano, il termine Entourage significa “un gruppo di persone che si frequentano abitualmente o cerchia di persone, ad esempio coloro che circondano un personaggio importante; seguito; dintorni o ambiente”.
Comunicato stampa
Lucie Fontaine is proud to present “Entourage”, a group show featuring works by Adriano Altamira, Mauro Bonacina, Guglielmo Achille Cavellini, Vittoria Chierici, Cleo Fariselli, Alice Mandelli, Daniella Isamit Morales, Marcello Martin, Alessandro Roma, Valerio Rocco Orlando, Alice Tomaselli, Marcella Vanzo and Mauro Vignando.
The show opens Sunday March 18 from noon to 7 pm at Lucie Fontaine’s Milan space Via Dell’Aprica 26, buzz 6012, scala 6.
Among many of the French terms appropriated and now part of the American vocabulary, the word Entourage means “a group of attendants or retainers, such as surround an important person; retinue; surroundings or environment.”
As often happens with Lucie Fontaine, in this case the word has been enriched by a domestic touch: Entourage means something between an intellectual group and a family, a group of friends and a team.
Furthermore it defines the core of artists with which Lucie Fontaine works on a regular basis, artists with whom Lucie Fontaine has a strong relationship.
To celebrate this ongoing conversation, Lucie Fontaine invited all the artists from her entourage to present a self-portrait. A seasoned genre, the self-portrait has always been present in the history of art and many studies and exhibitions had been done around this theme. The most important project in this line is the Vasarian Corridor at the Uffizi in Florence, which is hosting a collection of circa 1500 self-portraits.
Beside the reference to Vasari, an artist who was also an art historian, an art critic and an art advisor before these words even existed, “Entourage” is for Lucie Fontaine a self-portrait at large: an image of who she is, does and represent through the works of art of the artists with whom she has a link that is continuous, deep and based on mutual respect.
In doing so, Lucie Fontaine invited two* of her employees, Guia Cortassa and Barbara Meneghel, to lead this project which will then be presented in a section of her website – called again entourage – where all the self-portraits will be included and accompanied by an interview or a text about artists’ practices.