Exhausted Sandglass / Alice Pedroletti
Mostra doppia personale di Maria D. Rapicavoli e Matan Ashkenazy. Mentre la project room ospita la personale di Alice Pedroletti.
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Exhausted Sandglass
Maria D. Rapicavoli | Matan Ashkenazy
Opening September 19 | 18.30
Via Lulli 5, Milan
The artists, brought together in this exhibition, offer us instruments through which events and the notions of space and time that compose it are analysed together. The installation of Maria Domenica Rapicavoli (Italy, 1976) and the photographs of Matan Ashkenazy (Israel, 1986) shed light on the traces of a specific historical time, offering a reflection between what is visible and what is not.
A war event that happened in 1943 has changed the architectural structure of a historical building in Palermo, where Maria D. Rapicavoli was invited to exhibit at Manifesta 2018. The bomb that never exploded did not severely damage the building, but it tilted it to one side. The installation is represented in the gallery after the success of Palermo, recreating a slight disorientation that, besides questioning the state of knowledge, highlights the impact that political, economic and social structures have, inexorable, in our daily lives. The sculptural elements, in white porcelain, organised according to a military map, illustrate the tactical areas of Sicilian airspace.
In the works of Israeli photographer’s Matan Ashkenazy’s, there is an examination of the relationship between time and what is not perceivable. The investigastion in this case is made following the traces of dust and sand debris, in their inexorable, continuous movement across borders in the the Middle East. In the piece “A Cloud of Dust”, for instance, time and movement are crystallised and the flowing of dust is imprisoned in a photograph taken on the border between Israel and the Palestinian West Bank. A border at times invisible, untraceable, through which sand debris passes continuously, freely. Between past, present and future.
Alice Pedroletti
Go with the flow (Study on a floating island)
Opening September 19 | 18.30
Ncontemporary Project Room
Via Lulli 5, Milan
Alice Pedroletti continues its research on the "floating islands" intended as objects, monuments, pre-existing architectures and hourglasses. The works exhibited in the show were created during a residence on the Comacina island (Lake Como) in 2015 curated by the Brera Academy. The artist's sculptural and photographic work showcases the possible forms of that part of the Comacina island immersed and hidden under the surface of the lake. Water, therefore, becomes a metaphor and a border between a world in which everything is covered, preserved and protected and one in which slowly reality breaks up and is destroyed. The sculptures represent the imaginative and ephemeral landscape that we cannot see, but that through the history of the Comacina island the artist has hypothesized and recreated.