Fabio Marco Pirovino / Sam Porritt – Hidden In Plain Sight

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Fabio Marco Pirovino and Sam Porritt
Hidden In Plain Sight
21 April - 4 June 2016
Opening 21 April - 7 pm
Hidden in plain sight.
The overlooked and undervalued. The thing that’s right in front of you. The thing that
seems too big, too simple, too stupid.
Follow your nose, do something big. Do something small. Something simple or
dumb as long as you do it.
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
I remember you telling me something you had read somewhere - an interview with a
businessman who claimed that he would always hire a lazy person over a diligent
one. He reasoned that the lazy person always seeks the easiest and most efficient
solution to a problem whereas the eager employee slavishly follows convention.
Perhaps this anecdote has stayed with me for the same reasons that it lodged in
your mind? I like it because it combines laziness; in taking the line of least resistance
with thinking counterintuitively.
Good question Tamanna,
Here it is - I am here to serve you to the best of my ability, to ensure that you have
everything you need to do the very best work. If you need information I will provide
it. Better tools, training or coaching? I will provide them. Less direction and more
autonomy? I will provide it. I know that your job is to decide what to do and how to
do it and then do it. Mine is to use my authority to provide whatever you need and
your morale is most important. So I will listen to your complaints, suggestions, and
questions and respond to them to your satisfaction or better. I know you want to do
the best you can and I will help you to do that.
That is a short speech and I hope it serves you as well as it did me.
Best regards, Ben Simonton
Right Now I Will Stop Planning and Start Producing
I Need to Finish with Full Focus
I Am Working with a Goal and a Purpose
When I’m Done Working Everything Will Be More Fulfilling
I Still Have Many More Steps to Take
You are either at the table or on the menu.
To a balloon everything looks like a pin.