Future Identities – Bodies. Places. Spaces

Festival internazionale di architettura, videoarte, cinema sperimentale, fotografia, installazione e performance.
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It’s LIQUID Group, in collaboration with International ArtExpo, is proud to announce the opening of Future Identities - Bodies . Places . Spaces, international architecture, video art, experimental cinema, photography, installation and performance art festival. The exhibition, under the patronage of the city of Venice, will be held in Venice in 2 prestigious palaces: Palazzo Albrizzi, from August 23 to September 07 2014, will showcase photography, installation, video-art and architecture works; and Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi, from August 31 to September 02 2014, will host the Venice Experimental Cinema and Performance Art Festival (more info at: http://www.itsliquid.com/opening-venice-cinema-performance-festival.html).
Palazzo Albrizzi will also hosted the international exhibition of photography, video art, installation, architecture and performance art Social Cities - Self Identities, Common Places (August 23 - September 07, 2014) and the solo show Lead with passion of Lebanese artist Viva Eid (August 23 - 30, 2014).
Future Identities will be the third event of the festival MORPHOS – Sustainable Empires, organized in Venice in the months between June and November 2014, in the same period of Architecture Biennale.
The openings of the events will be on Saturday 23 of August 2014 at Palazzo Albrizzi, starting from 06.00 PM (free entry); and on Sunday 31 of August 2014 at Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi, starting from 06.00 PM (free entry).
organizers: It’s LIQUID & International ArtExpo
curator: Luca Curci
project coordinator: Maria Caterina Denora
press office: It’s LIQUID
- Palazzo Albrizzi, Fondamenta Sant’Andrea Cannaregio 4118, 30121 Venice, Italy
- Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi, Cannaregio 4132, 30121 Venice, Italy
- Palazzo Albrizzi, from August 23 to September 07, 2014, from 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM and from 03.00 PM to 06.00 PM
- Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi, from August 31 to September 02, 2014, from 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM and from 03.00 PM to 06.00 PM
The events are curated by Arch. Luca Curci (Founder of LUCA CURCI ARCHITECTS, International ArtExpo and It’s LIQUID Group). The festival’s program includes exhibitions, video art screenings, movies’ projections, live performances and meetings with artists involved.
Future Identities - Bodies . Places . Spaces festival is focused on the relationship between body and space, and the hybridization between identities and cultural/physical/social/urban settings in contemporary time. People, backgrounds, societies, progress, cities and all their inputs create hybrid identities, modifying each other and being mixed in prospect to shape a better world. The festival aims to conduct a research and to offer to artists and audience a 360° experience about the body, conceived not only as a material organic system connected to space, but also as an evolving organism with peculiar sensations, feelings and characteristics. Future Identities will present an exhibition of photography, installation, video-art and architecture works, with a special opening on August 23, 2014 at Palazzo Albrizzi; and the Venice Experimental Cinema and Performance Art Festival, with meeting with artists, at Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi, from August 31 to September 02, 2014.
SOCIAL CITIES – Self Identities, Common Places analyzes the change of social relationship’s dynamics and the new need of real and face-to-face public rapports among people in our contemporary, high-tech and alienating lives. Today new technologies are integrated in our life and permit us to create endless networks of contacts with people from all-over the world, that we will probably never meet in real life. This infinite connections has enriched our lives and our personal identities, but from the other hands has completely modified the way in which we create human connections, creating more distance between them and us. Nowadays contemporary metropolis follow the new need of increasing our opportunities to connect with other people; meanwhile people try to create solid identities and individual personalities out of the sea of social networks.
Future Identities - Bodies . Places . Spaces
.featured artists
Andreas Mareš . Austria | Daniel Pešta . Czech Republic | Candaş Şişman . Turkey | Shaun Wilson . Australia
.video art
Olga Pohankova & Diego Fiori . Austria| Mar Garrido . Spain | Ioannis Voulgaris . UK | Nuno Escudeiro . Italy | Laura Arend . France | Vibe Overgaard . Denmark | Antonio Ferrara . Italy | Miklos Veszpremi . UK | Kirsty Alexander . UK | Karissa Hahn . USA | Allison Kotzig . Slovakia | Bianca Delapierre . Italy | Andrea Kneževic & Darija Žmak Kunic . Croatia | Maria Chemello . Italy | Francesco Pariset . Italy | Nick Rands . Brazil | Andrew Cheng . UK | Chanel Dehond . Canada | Magda Lates . France | Ana Devora . Spain | Anja Høvik Strømsted . Norway | Rodrigo De Toledo . USA | Benjamin J. Rosenthal . USA | Katri Miettinen . Finland | Laura Forte . Italy | M. Haryo Hutomo . Indonesia | Matteo Coluzzi . Italy | Blanca Gimenez . Spain | Tine Isachsen & Sara Tanderø . Norway | Carlos Villas . Spain | Isabel Perez del Pulgar . Spain | Tea Guarascio . Spain | Miguel Andres . Spain | Elena Tortia . Italy | Jorge Cadena . Switzerland | inQuanto teatro . Italy | Barcellona Federica . Italy | Tanja Balac . Macedonia | Yovcho Gorchev . UK | Andrei Oprescu . Romania
Josephine Caruso . Italy | Caglar Gezer . Switzerland | Julie Eisenberg Pitman . USA | Regina Wypych . USA | Tatjana Leuzzi . Germany | Lola Martinez . Spain | Tine Isachsen & Sara Tanderø . Norway | Mari Munet . USA | ei point . Spain | Gioia Libardoni . Italy | Myra Aschenbach . Italy | Dafne Salis . Italy | Cecil Eci'Am Gresham . USA | Patricia Richards . USA | Alessia Massa . Italy | Cristiano Pedrocco . Italy | Elisa Sturaro . Italy | Fabio Calabretta . Italy | Fedra Charda . Greece | Ivana Russo . Italy | Robyola Von Wünsch . Italy | Christiane Fichtner . Germany | Maria Grazia Capozzi . Italy | Robert McNamara . USA | Imane Djamil . Morocco | Emiliano Maiolo . Italy
Adebayo Idris . Africa
.installation art
Gigi Piana . Italy | Daniel Ramosobregòn . Colombia
.performance art
Alice Kiddo . Italy
Social Cities - Self Identities, Common Places
.video art
George Rosolymos & Maria Papadaki . Greece | Dominik Ritszel . Poland | Jean-René Leblanc . Canada | Coletivo Algodao Choque . Brazil | Pilar G. calero . Spain | Santiago Escobar Jamarillo . Colombia | Caroline Huf . Australia | Riccardo Ajossa . Italy | Poliana Oliveira Reis . Brazil | Sumana Suma . India
Hugues Rochette . Canada | Dario Giordanelli . Italy | Gizem Karayavuz . Turkey | Paula Haapalahti . Finland | Lo Super . Spain | Maddalena Migiore . Italy
Tinamaria Marongiu . Italy | Destynnie Hall . USA
.installation art
Christian Zanella . Italy | Pablo Barreiro . Spain
urban affairs - Melanie Humann & Janin Walter . Germany
.performance art
Alexandra Foffano . Italy
Palazzo Albrizzi is one of the Venetian aristocracy’s palaces, situated in Cannaregio 4118, near Ca’ D’Oro. Constructed by the famous Capello family, in the 18th century the Palazzo passed into the hands of the Albrizzi family. The palace is the headquarter of ACIT Venezia, one of the most important Italian-German cultural association in collaboration with Goethe Institut, and since 2003 it has collaborated with Biennale in Venice, offering its spaces for National Pavilions or Collateral Events.
Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi is a residential palace dating back to the 16th century which, over the centuries, has been added on to by various noble Venetian families and is one of the most evocative and beautiful palaces in the city of Venice; the Serenissima. Sumptuous and possessing particular charm, Ca’ Zanardi is located in a most peaceful setting and has its own delightful private garden as well as a magnificent terrace full of sun and colour. Ca’ Zanardi is located close to the Ca’ D’Oro, the splendid 15th century gothic palace along the Grand Canal. It is located off the main tourist drag but is still easily reachable by foot, after a two minute walk from the Ca’ D’Oro water bus stop, or by boat using the palazzo’s private pier positioned along the fetching Santa Caterina canal. The refined elegance of the palazzo’s halls and common areas and the delicacy of its original 16th century furnishings create a fascinating setting.
Visitors information: invite your friends and art lovers to the show. MORPHOS Festival is FREE ENTRY.