Gizela Mickiewicz

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Frutta has invited four galleries to literally invade the gallery space. Individually, each show acts as a pit stop both in the programme of Frutta and for the invited galleries. Together, they open up the gallery space to divergent practices and researches.
The second installment is Galeria Stereo from Poznań presenting: Persistent Front.
A solo show by Gizela Mickiewicz.
Opening Friday May 3 at 7 pm
3 – 18 May 2013
A car bonnet after an accident converted into a gate wing. I forgot I had seen it. A few days later, when crumpling a receipt, I retained the lost image. I was helped to recreate it by a zigzag of paper which looked similar to the dents on the sheet of metal. If the time span between the images had been longer, the association might never have occurred and I would not have remembered. Each image one sees has its own specific duration. It lingers despite the transfer of the gaze. That is why one can roughly determine what they have at the back of their heads. You cannot see all the sides at the same time. Vision is incomplete. The unseen prevails. There is only the front and the rest is guessed.
Gizela Mickiewicz