Jeannette Montgomery Barron – Scene

s.t. foto libreria galleria ospita il book signing di Scene, il nuovo libro di Jeannette Montgomery Barron, edito da powerHouse Books. Scene, è una raccolta di ritratti in bianco e nero nati dall’incontro tra la fotografa e alcuni fra i protagonisti della scena artistica e culturale newyorkese degli anni ottanta.
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Martedì 23 aprile, dalle ore 18, s.t. foto libreria galleria ospita il book signing di Scene, il nuovo libro di Jeannette Montgomery Barron, edito da powerHouse Books. Scene, è una raccolta di ritratti in bianco e nero nati dall’incontro tra la fotografa e alcuni fra i protagonisti della scena artistica e culturale newyorkese degli anni ottanta, fra cui Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, Cindy Sherman, Robert Mapplethorpe, William Burroughs, John Lurie, Kathryn Bigelow, Andy Warhol e il suo storico gallerista Leo Castelli. Diversi anche gli artisti italiani immortalati all’epoca: Sandro Chia, Francesco Clemente, Enzo Cucchi, Luigi Ontani.
Andy Warhol
Jeannette Montgomery Barron è nata nel 1956 ad Atlanta, ha studiato presso l’International Center of Photography di New York. Vive e lavora a Roma, dove si è trasferita nel 2003. Alcune delle sue fotografie sono raccolte in libri nati dalla collaborazione con noti poeti e autori: Photographs and Poems, con il poeta Premio Pulitzer Jorie Graham, mentre Mirrors con Edmund White. In Session è raccolta una serie di ritratti scattati nello studio di Keith Haring nel 1985. Nel 2007 è artist in residence all’Accademia Americana di Roma dove lavora alla serie My Mother's Clothes, pubblicata nel libro omonimo. Le sue fotografie fanno parte di numerose collezioni museali, quali The Andy Warhol Museum, il Museum of Fine Arts di Houston, The High Museum of Art di Atlanta. Molti suoi lavori sono stati pubblicati da riviste come Vogue, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker.
Willem Dafoe
Scene is a remarkable compendium of portraits of renowned personalities from arguably the most exciting era of New York City underground culture, the 80s—a veritable time capsule of NYC when the young and indomitable flocked downtown in search of places to work and live among like-minded collaborators. These musicians, filmmakers, painters, writers, fashion designers, publishers, actors, models, and photographers played together, worked together, and made their own rules, and changed our culture, as we know it, forever. Scene is photographer Jeannette Montgomery Barron’s album of that exciting and innovative era; her life in New York in the 80s was filled with the early light of dawn after nights spent dancing at Area, the Palladium, or the Mudd Club, vodka and cigarette-fueled dinners at the Odeon, salon-style lunches at Andy Warhol’s Factory, and mornings working out at the gym with Bianca Jagger. Montgomery Barron’s first portrait of Francesco Clemente was followed soon after by one of Andy Warhol, which led to portraits of friends Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring. In rapid succession, she photographed all the icons and luminaries of the era including Willem Dafoe, Julian Schnabel, Robert Mapplethorpe, Jenny Holzer, Cindy Sherman, Kathryn Bigelow, George Condo, William Burroughs, and many more. Scene is a beautiful collection of fragile young souls, fearless in their desire to remake the nightlife and the art world in their likeness, and a poignant memento of those lost too early.
Robert Mapplethorpe
Jeannette Montgomery Barron was born in 1956 in Atlanta and studied at the International Center of Photography in New York. She became known for her portraits of the New York art world in the 1980s, which were later published in Jeannette Montgomery Barron (Edition Bischofberger, Zurich, 1989). She is also the author of Photographs and Poems, a collaboration with Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Jorie Graham (Scalo, 1998), Mirrors (Holzwarth Editions, 2004), Session with Keith Haring, and My Mother’s Clothes (Welcome Books, 2010). Montgomery Barron’s photographs were published in Interview, Vanity Fair, Details, and Vogue, in gallery catalogs, and museum catalogs. Her works are in numerous public and corporate collections, including The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; The High Museum of Art, Atlanta; Kunsthaus, Zurich; and The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh.