Luca Francesconi / Taocheng Wang

Su invito di Fluxia, una conversazione tra Luca Francesconi (IT, 1979) e Taocheng Wang (P.R. China, 1981) prende corpo e si espande nello spazio della galleria, generando un botta e risposta per mezzo di opere e oggetti.
Comunicato stampa
Su invito di Fluxia, una conversazione tra Luca Francesconi (IT, 1979) e Taocheng Wang (P.R. China, 1981)
prende corpo e si espande nello spazio della galleria, generando un botta e risposta per mezzo di opere e
By invitation of Fluxia, a conversation between Luca Francesconi and Taocheng Wang is materialized and
expands into the gallery space, generating a tangible give-and-take through art works and objects.
Luca Francesconi was born 1979 in Mantua, Italy. Lives and works in Mantua, IT and Paris, FR.
Recent solo exhibitions include: 2014, Pane pane pane vino canale di scolo, Umberto di Marino, Naples, IT; 2013, Geode Cupa,
Fluxia, Milan, IT; 2012, Echo of the Moon, Crac Alsace, Altkirch, FR; Echo of the Moon, Musée Beurnier-Rossel, Montbéliard,
FR; 2011, De labore Solis, Galerie Chez Valentin, Paris, FR.
Recent group exhibitions include: 2014, Shanaynay, Paris, FR; Braccia, Marino Marini Museum, Florence, IT; 2013, Braccia,
MAN, Nuoro, IT; Il fascino discreto dell’oggetto. Figura 2: Natura Morta, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Rome, IT; Art of
Living (Goodbye Blue Monday), Chez Valentin, Paris, FR; 2012, Orlando, Broadbeck Foundation, Palermo/ L’A project space,
Palermo/ BOCS, Catania, IT; Tumulus, MOTinternational, Brussels, BG; Cara Domani, works from the Ernesto Esposito
Collection, MAMBO, Boulogne, IT; 2011, ILLUMInations, 54 Venice Biennal, Venice, IT, curated by Bice Curiger.
Taocheng Wang was born 1981 in Chao Weng, P.R. of China. Lives and works in Amsterdam, NL.
Recents solo exhibitions include: 2014, Someone who lives in great comfort is completely enjoying it but still prays for even more
fortune, Johan Bergren gallery, Malmö, SW; 2013, Action...Cut!, Jakarta Yuz Museum, Jakarta, Indonesia; 2012, What is Revealed
by the Tide, OV Gallery, Shanghai, P.R. China.
Recent group exhibitions include: 2014, Offspring 2014, De Ateliers, Amsterdam, NL; Finissage - An evening in three acts,
Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam, NL; I love you, Me either, Project Native Informant, London, UK; 2013, Reading, Leo Xu
Projects, Shanghai, CN; Living Room, Shanghai Goethe Institute, Shanghai, CN; AMNUA Drawing Show Series, Art Museum of
Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, CN; How are you otherwise, Rongwrong, Amsterdam, NL; 2012, Reactivation - The 9th
Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai, CN.