Michelangelo Penso – Cronòtopo

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Michelangelo Penso inaugura il 7 marzo la sua terza personale milanese a The Flat - Massimo Carasi.
L’artista che da anni lavora a livello internazionale indagando le possibili connessioni tra arte e scienza propone per lo spazio della galleria una installazione a pavimento intitolata “Cronotopo”, frutto della sua ultima ricerca che configura, attraverso un algoritmo, l’assetto dei pianeti del sistema solare e riproduce le frequenze da essi generate.
“Cronotopo” si attiva grazie a dei sensori termici ed un sofisticato circuito computerizzato, coinvolge lo spettatore tra spazio e frequenze sonore permettendo un’interazione che non è semplicemente un mezzo per aumentare la leggibilità dell’opera ma un modo per interpretarla.
Insieme alla grande installazione realizzata in vetro l’artista predispone alle pareti una selezione di otto sculture in metallo e otto disegni su gomma antiolio.
Michelangelo Penso opens on March 7th his third solo show in Milan at The Flat - Massimo Carasi.
The artist who for years has worked internationally investigating the possible connections between art and science proposes for the gallery space a floor installation entitled "Cronotopo", the result of his latest research that configures, through an algorithm, the arrangement of the planets of the solar system and reproduces the frequencies generated by them.
"Cronotopo" is activated thanks to thermal sensors and a sophisticated computer circuit, involving the viewer between space and sound frequencies allowing an interaction that is not simply a means to increase the readability of the work but a way to interpret it.
Together with the large glass installation, the artist prepares a selection of eight metal sculptures on the walls and eight drawings on oil-resistant rubber.
Michelangelo Penso (Venice-Italy, 1964)
He develops a new concept of sculpture, using materials of industrial origin, working in a space between art and science.
Since 1981 his installations have been exhibited in many private spaces and public institutions including the Royal Palace of Caserta (2018) Museo Civici di Bassano (2018) Exposition au Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France (2016); Achille Forti Modern Art Gallery, Verona, Italy (2015); solo show at Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, Italy (2011); The Nuit Blanche in Paris, installation for the Pierre et Marie Curie University, France (2004), 61st Venice Biennale "Punti cardinali" (1993).
His works have been acquired by the Golinelli Foundation, Italy; Unicredit Collection ART, Italy; Spazio Thetis, Venice, Italy; Achille Forti Modern Art Gallery, Verona, Italy; Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice, Italy. La Francaise, Paris, France.