Paolo Cavinato – Another Place

Il percorso raccoglie un nucleo di opere capaci di esemplificare al meglio la poetica di Paolo Cavinato, incentrata sul concetto di soglia e di limite.
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Dalle grandi installazioni ai piccoli oggetti, dalle sculture alle composizioni di fili in fluorocarbonio, per Paolo Cavinato la sfida principale rimane sempre e solo una: guardare altrove, immaginare l’invisibile. Non fa eccezione la mostra Another Place, in programma alla galleria The Flat - Massimo Carasi di Milano dal 30 settembre al 20 novembre 2021. L'esposizione - pensata in relazione con la mostra Limen, che si tiene in contemporanea a Palazzo Te, Mantova - si concentra sugli ultimi lavori dell'artista.
Il percorso raccoglie un nucleo di opere capaci di esemplificare al meglio la poetica di Paolo Cavinato, incentrata sul concetto di soglia e di limite, elementi fondanti di una ricerca che guarda costantemente a un'alterità. Tali aspetti sono rintracciabili nelle opere tanto a livello estetico – il rimando alla stanza, alla casa, a luoghi vuoti – quanto nel loro risvolto contenutistico – la stasi, la riflessione, il desiderio. A questi si aggiungono poi importanti novità nella ricerca dell’artista: dall’utilizzo del colore al tempo come quarta dimensione, dal ricorso alla componente sonora all’idea di movimento.
Se la relazione tra finito e infinito, tra caos e ordine sono da sempre costanti del suo lavoro, in questa occasione Paolo Cavinato affonda l’analisi nel territorio di mezzo tra realtà e rappresentazione. Per farlo crea un ambiente coinvolgente, uno spazio multisensoriale dove echi di dimensioni lontane e vicine confluiscono a raccontare di un mondo la cui natura è ancora tutta da afferrare.
Cangianti esplosioni di colore dispiegano un’energia capace di riportare il visitatore a un’epoca remota, illudendolo di trovarsi al principio dell’universo. Laddove tutto era puro movimento, è possibile percepire anche il tempo nella sua essenza: instabile, relativa, mutevole.
L’invito è quello di connettersi alle opere, di assecondare la loro personale spinta vitale e lasciarsi trasportare.
Simbolo di questa tensione situazionale è Breath (2021), teatro del passaggio graduale verso una dimensione ulteriore. Le tre sculture che la compongono, seppure statiche, recano il movimento nei dettagli: gli azzurri diversi che le colorano, le forme che le differenziano, la luce al loro interno che le anima, le tracce sonore che danno loro respiro. La componente musicale, realizzata dal compositore
Stefano Trevisi, si estende poi per tutta l’esposizione completandone le suggestioni tramite suoni sottili e delicati.
Another Place si configura così come sintesi degli ultimi dieci anni di ricerca di Paolo Cavinato e allo stesso tempo come suo importante tassello evolutivo.
Didascalia opera allegata:
Paolo Cavinato, Stargate #3, 2021
enamel and acrylic on fluorocarbon thread, frame, background and internal frames in black laquered wood, museum glass, 80x80x5 cm | 31 ½ x 31 ½ x 2 inches
Another Place
From large installations to small objects, sculptures to compositions of fluorocarbon threads, Paolo Cavinato’s main challenge remains his only objective: to look elsewhere, to imagine the invisible. And the exhibition Another Place is no exception. On show at The Flat - Massimo Carasi gallery in Milan from September 30th to November 20th 2021, Another Place was conceived in relation to Limen – an exhibition that will run concurrently at Palazzo Te, in Mantua –, and focuses on the artist's most recent works.
The exhibition plan brings together a nucleus of works that exemplifies the poetic of Paolo Cavinato, centered around the concept of thresholds and boundaries, both fundamental elements of an artistic search that constantly examines the idea of otherness. These aspects figure in the works on both an aesthetic level – with references to rooms, houses, empty places – as well as in the inferred states they embody – stasis, reflection, desire. To these, new and important innovations in the artist's expressive repertoire are added: from the use of color in relation to time as the fourth dimension, to the use of the sound as a complementary component to the idea of movement.
If the relationships between finite and infinite, chaos and order have always been constants of his work, on this occasion Paolo Cavinato plunges his analysis into the middle ground between reality and representation. To do this, he creates an engaging environment, a multisensory space where echoes of dimensions far and near converge to tell of a world whose nature is yet to be grasped.
Bursts of incandescent color unleash an energy that takes visitors back to a distant era, deluding them into believing that they are where the universe began. In that space, where everything was pure movement, it is also possible to perceive time in its essence: unstable, relative, changeable. Here, the invitation is to connect to the works, give in to their singular, vital drive and allow oneself to be carried away.
Symbolic of this situational tension is Breath (2021), which sets the scene for a gradual transition towards a faraway dimension. The three sculptures that compose the work, albeit static, reveal this sense of movement in their details: the shading tones of blue that color them, the shapes that differentiate them, the light that animates them from within, the sounds that give them breath. The musical component, created by composer Stefano Trevisi, extends throughout the exhibition, completing its suggestive configuration with subtle and delicate sounds.
Another Place is thus configured as both a synthesis of the last ten years of Paolo Cavinato's artistic research, and a pivotal point in its evolutionary trajectory.
PAOLO CAVINATO. Born in 1975, lives and works in Mantua, Italy.
After graduating at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts and having completed a course in Cinematography in Milan, since 2001 he has exhibited in various solo exhibitions (Milan, London, Berlin, New York, Santa Fe), and since 1997 in many group exhibitions in Paris, Brussels, Istanbul, China and in the US. In 2005 he was invited to partecipate at the Istanbul Biennial . Winner of the 3rd Prize of the 2008 Arnaldo Pomodoro Foundation in Milan. Awarded by the Royal British Society of Sculptors of London, which hels the artist’s solo exhibition in 2011. In 2014 winner of a six months at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel In 2017 a large solo exhibition by the artist was held in the rooms of the Museum of Palazzo Ducale of Mantua Italy. He was recently selected for the Art Residency Program of the Boghossian Foundation in Brussels. In 2021 Cavinato participates to a new project the for edition of Sonographies with the installation Limen at Palazzo Te in Mantua.
Cavinato’s artworks were acquired and exhibited in numerous public and private spaces, including: Artphilein Foundation in Liechtenstein, Italian Cultural Institute in Copenhagen, Marino Golinelli Collection in Bologna, Barzilai-Hollander's Collection in Brussels, Galleria Civica di Modena, Museo San Fedele, Milan, Farnesina Collection in Rome, Boghossian Foundation in Brussels, Consulate General of Italy in New York, MAXXI National Museum of Arts in Rome