Roee Rosen – The Dust Channel

La Galleria Riccardo Crespi presenta The Dust Channel, la terza mostra personale dell’artista israeliano Roee Rosen in galleria.
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La Galleria Riccardo Crespi presenta The Dust Channel, la terza mostra personale dell’artista israeliano Roee Rosen in galleria.
Rosen, ha creato un universo di pittura, scrittura e video, che sfida gli standard della rappresentazione attraverso la finzione e l’ironia, mescolando riferimenti alla storia europea e giudaica, con elementi mitici, politici, erotici, mass media e libri per bambini.
Prendendo le mosse dal medesimo personaggio della sua ultima mostra alla galleria, Maxim Komar-Myshkin, l’artista presenterà il suo ultimo film The Dust Channel, dopo il recente successo di pubblico e critica a Documenta 14 a Kassel.
Il film è un’operetta in russo ambientata nel contesto domestico di una coppia israeliana borghese, la cui paura per lo sporco all’interno dell’abitazione connota la loro xenofobia. L’ossessione erotica della coppia per il proprio aspirapolvere, un Dyson DC07, conduce la narrazione alla vera storia dell’elettrodomestico – esplorando l’ingegnoso design di Dyson, così come le sue dichiarazioni xenofobe - ma anche al centro detentivo Holot, nel deserto israeliano, dove i rifugiati politici sono trattenuti a lungo termine e non vengono riconosciuti dal governo.
In mostra anche Screen Saver, un video in loop ripreso sul set di The Dust Channel, i cui protagonisti sono 6 robot aspirapolvere, e alcuni disegni preparatori insieme allo storyboard del film.
The Dust Channel sarà presentato in anteprima cinematografica in occasione della decima edizione de Lo Schermo dell’Arte Film Festival a Firenze, dal 15 al 19 Novembre 2017.
Roee Rosen è nato a Rehovot nel 1963. Ha studiato filosofia e letteratura comparata all’Università di Tel Aviv ricevendo un MFA al Hunter College di New York nel 1991. È professore presso il HaMidrasha – Faculty of the Arts, Beit Berl College di Kfar-Saba e presso la Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design di Gerusalemme. Vive e lavora in Israele e ha avuto mostre in tutto il mondo, recentemente a Documenta 14 ad Atene e Kassel, vincendo numerosi premi: il suo film Tse [Out] ha conseguito il premio Orizzonti per il miglior mediometraggio al Festival del Cinema di Venezia nel 2010. Tra le sue mostre personali più recenti, la retrospettiva al Tel Aviv Museum nel 2016 e Live and Die as Eva Braun and Other Intimate Stories, presso Edith-Russ-Haus fur Medienkunst a Oldenburg. Si sono tenute proiezioni dedicate alla sua opera presso Tate Modern, Londra, Museum of Modern Art, Vienna, e Oberhausen Film Festival tra gli altri. Sono stati recentemente pubblicati da Sternberg Press i suoi libri Live and Die as Eva Braun and Other Intimate Stories e The Blind Merchant. In occasione della mostra al Tel Aviv Museum of Art è stato editato il volume Roee Rosen – A Group Exhibition, a cura di Gilad Melzer e Joshua Simon.
Riccardo Crespi gallery is proud to present the third solo exhibition by the Israeli artist Roee Rosen in the gallery.
Roee Rosen has created a whole world of painting, writing and video that challenges representational standards and conventions through fictionalization and irony, mixing references to European and Jewish history, as well as mythical elements, with politics, erotics, mass media and children’s books.
Taking the move from the same fictional character featured in his last exhibition at the Riccardo Crespi gallery, Maxim Komar-Myshkin, the artist will present his latest film The Dust Channel, following its recent popular and critical success in Documenta 14 in Kassel.
The film is an operetta with a Russian libretto set in the domestic environment of a bourgeois Israeli couple, whose fear of dirt in their home connotes xenophobia. The couple’s erotic obsession with their vacuum cleaner, a Dyson DC07, leads both to the home appliance’s actual history - exploring Dyson’s ingenious design and his xenophobic statement - and to the Holot detention centre, where political refugees are held long-term and unrecognized by the State in the Israeli desert.
The exhibition will also feature Screen Saver, a video loop prepared on the set of The Dust Channel, featuring 6 iRobot cleaners as its protagonists, as well as Rosen’s preparatory drawings and storyboards.
The Dust Channel will receive its Italian cinematic premiere at the tenth edition of Lo Schermo dell’Arte Film Festival in Florence from 15th to 19th November 2017.
Roee Rosen was born in Rehovot in 1963. He studied philosophy and comparative literature studies in Tel Aviv University and received MFA from Hunter College in New York in 1991. He is a professor at HaMidrasha – Faculty of the Arts, Beit Berl College in Kfar-Saba and at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem. He lives and works in Israel and has exhibited worldwide, recently at Documenta 14 in Athens and Kassel, and won numerous awards: his film Tse [Out], won the Orizzonti Award for best medium-length film at the Venice Film Festival in 2010. Recent solo exhibitions include his retrospective at the Tel Aviv Museum in 2016, and Live and Die as Eva Braun and Other Intimate Stories, at Edith-Russ-Haus fur Medienkunst in Oldenburg. Profile screenings dedicated to his work were held by Tate Modern, London, the Museum of Modern Art, Vienna and the Oberhausen Film Festival among others. His latest books Live and Die as Eva Braun and Other Intimate Stories and The Blind Merchant were published recently by Sternberg Press. Roee Rosen – A Group Exhibition, edited by Gilad Melzer and Joshua Simon, was printed on the occasion of the exhibition at The Tel Aviv Museum of Art.