Sapere Aude

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Sapere Aude is an international promoting window that will showcase around 20 artists each month. The collective project becomes an invitation to expose and confront with the world without having to bend oneself to the system's rules and regulations. To express one's creativity and imagination free from universal contamination and traditional academic schemes. The connection then stems from "pure liberty". "Liberty to dare" allows a brave artist to express thoughts, styles and art capturing each and every one's time; reinterpreting through forms and colors dedicated to the language of our souls.Curator Miguel Ángel Cuevas Special Events
Fri May 31, 6:30pm-10:30pm | Opening and Press PreviewSun Jun 2, 6.30pm-10.30pm | Performance Fri Jun 7, 6.30pm-10.30pm | PerformanceSat Jun 15, 6.30pm-10.30pm | PerformanceSat Jun 22, 8.00pm-12am | PartySat Jun 29, 6.30pm-10.30pm | Finissage
Massimo Casagrande Salvatore Scafiti Luis Cuevas Francesco Mangiaracina Monica Michelotti Susan Dorothea White Andrea Angeli Manuel Casellas Alba Francesca Battista Adolfina De Stefani Antonello Mantovani Daniele Sartori Antonio D’Amato Vania Broccoli Federico Meneghello LoV The Cool Couple Valentina Furian Antonia Bonura Enkelejd Doja Spela Volcic.