The Bridges of Graffiti – Talks

Nell’ambito della mostra The Bridges of Graffiti, riconosciuta a livello mondiale come uno dei più importanti eventi artistici dell’anno, si terrà un ciclo di conferenze da Settembre a Novembre che cercheranno di approfondire vari aspetti del mondo dei graffiti.
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Nell'ambito della mostra The Bridges of Graffiti, riconosciuta a livello mondiale come uno dei più importanti eventi artistici dell'anno, si terrà un ciclo di conferenze da Settembre a Novembre che cercheranno di approfondire vari aspetti del mondo dei graffiti.
Durante le conferenze interverranno ospiti internazionali invitati a condividere il loro punto di vista e la loro personale esperienza all'interno di questo mondo.
Tutti i curiosi sono invitati a scoprire i vari temi che verranno affrontati negli spazi dell'Arterminal!
Recognized as one of the most important artistic event of the year "The bridges of Graffiti" will present a series of talks during September, October and November.
The discussions will investigate various aspects of the graffiti world.
During the talks different international guests, who were in different ways very important for the graffiti world, will share their vision and personal experience.
We invite all of you to discover what the different conferences can offer to you and we will wait for you at the Arterminal!
Tuesday 15/09
Writing is not dead: how the punk subculture influenced graffiti and street art
Vandalo (IT): Vandalo is an architect who started writing about punk music and culture in ’85, first on his zine “I don’t care” and then on many more zines and magazines.
He started tagging and piecing at the end of the 80’s and since then, he also begun studying the aerosol culture, in its wider meaning.
His artworks are featured in many books and catalogues as well as his texts about punk culture and writing.
Since 2008 writes about writing and punk culture on his personal Facebook page and form 2013 contributes to “Pezzate passate”, one of the most interesting web platforms dedicated to italian writing.
Giacomo Spazio (IT): Giacomo Spazio started to write "poetic" phrases on walls between 1972 and 1975, in the same period he built up, on his own and with the group "Poesia Metropolitana", performances on the roads of Milan and London. Since 1980 he dedicated himself to painting and music, he formed the art-rock band "2+2=5" and started to master the art of stencil.
Between 1982 and 1984 he co-founded "UT comunicazioni" and DECODER, the first Italian magazine that deepen cybernetic theory, history, music and comics.
On 1993 he restart to paint with constancy.
He taught at the Politecnico of Milano and wrote on different magazines about subcultures, among which "D di Republica" with whom is still collaborating.
He also works as a critique and curator.
Wednesday 16/9
The G- Schizophrenia
Jacob Kimvall (S): (b. 1972) is a Swedish art critic and lecturer on visual culture. In 1992 he co-founded the international graffiti magazine Underground Productions (UP), and I worked as one of the magazine’s editors throughout the 1990-ties. In December 2014 he defended his PhD-thesis in Art History at Stockholm University: ”THE G-WORD: virtuosity and violation, negotiating and transforming graffiti” examines the historiography of graffiti and suggests that this subcultural phenomenon should be understood as jointly produced by subcultural and institutional agents. He is currently working as a lecturer at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm university.
Claudio Musso (IT): art critic and independent curator. PhD in Archeology and Art History, he is Adjunct Professor for History of Contemporary Art at University of Bologna (Campus of Ravenna) and he’s lecturer Theory of Perception in the Academy of Fine Arts in Bergamo. He has collaborated with different headings among which Exibart, Digicult, regularly writes for Artribune. He has participated as lecturer in international conferences in subject of urban art in Italy and abroad. He is co-curator of the Frontier – The Line of Style project and he’s part of the scientific committee of roBOt Festival.
He has published numerous articles and essays on the thematic of Graffiti Writing and Street Art and he is co-author of the volume Frontier The Line of Style (Damiani, 2013).