Thomas Kratz / Alley – Gianni Ferrero Merlino

Mostra personale di Thomas Kratz, mentre il progetto Alley presenta la personale di Gianni Ferrero Merlino.
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Gianni Ferrero Merlino’s practice focuses on the subject of deconstruction and reconstruction. Beginning by ‘deleting’ his images with a black layer that renders them unrecognisable he then works rigorously in the darkroom, using lights as an architect might do, to unmask pieces of the picture, eventually revealing and designing a rebuilt image. Through this process Merlino uses the geometrics that define his subjects as the basic drawing tools to invent and conceive new images that aspire to a clear and hard realism of form and production.
Through his complex and geometrically rigid darkroom processes his photographs, like an abstract picture, reveal a surface in visual argument with one another that cut and point, drawing in and enveloping the viewer and creating a new relation between performer and spectator.
For his presentation in Alley Platform, Merlino will make suggestions to these scenes, recreating his darkroom-world in the gallery space.
Text by Cheryl Connell
Gianni Ferrero Merlino (1976, IT) lives and works in Turin.
Recent solo exhibitions include “Homework”, Cripta 747, Turin (2015).
Recent selected group exhibitions include “ALT”, Caserma Ettore De Sonnaz, Turin (2015); “SI FECE CARNE”, San Lorenzo, Florence (2015); T.A.X.I. Cripta 747, Artissima, Turin (2013); AIR, Fondazione Fotografia, Ex Ospedale Sant’Agostino, Modena, Stills Gallery, Scotland's Centre for Photography, Edinburgh (2011); FOTOGRAFIA? Careof DOCVA and MUFOCO, Milan (2010).
'Stills' is a centre for photography based in the heart of Edinburgh, Scotland, and offers exhibitions, residencies, events and production facilities as well as a range of engagement opportunities for anyone to discover, enjoy and understand photography.
Stills was established in 1977 and since that time has become a champion for the important and powerful role that the medium of photography plays in the world today.
Opening: Saturday 16 April at 7pm
Bar sponsored by Martini
Giorgio Galotti gallery is pleased to present a new project by the Berlin based artist Thomas Kratz.
'Salve', the first solo show with the gallery, features new works including two large abstract paintings titled Salve and two smaller paintings on canvas, titled 'Art Rest 1' and 'Art Rest 2'. Developing his practice, Kratz emphasizes the physical gesture of his artworks, combining the environment and the architecture of the place where his work is shown.
A magenta column and a light pink wall complete the project here showcased, where the space turn into a pictorial atmosphere, inspired or defined by colors. The animation in a three-dimensional scale and its choreographic set-up gives to the paintings a peculiar overview.
With his last production, Thomas Kratz artworks appear more minimal, abstract and occasionally monochromatic. He works across a variety of media, including painting and performance art and, on this occasion, minimal gestures leave their traditions of figuration as well as their convention of abstract painting behind. His works operate outside the modern thinking, engaging instead with a rather speculative, nonhierarchical and hybrid approach. Kratz considers painting as part of a dynamic network of material and immaterial agents.
La galleria Giorgio Galotti ha il piacere di presentare un nuovo progetto dell’artista tedesco Thomas Kratz.
'Salve', prima mostra personale con la galleria, si basa su un gruppo di quattro nuove opere, realizzate per l’occasione, di cui due di grande dimensione che prendono il titolo dal progetto, e due più piccole intitolate 'Art Rest 1' e 'Art Rest 2'. Nello sviluppo della sua pratica, Kratz enfatizza l’aspetto gestuale e fisico delle sue opere, combinando con esse gli ambienti e la natura architettonica del luogo che le ospita.
In questa ultima produzione, la sua opera si presenta in una forma estremamente minimale, astratta e monocromatica. Per l’occasione, infatti, la colonna, simbolo dell’architettura intorno a cui ruota lo spazio, e la parete più articolata della galleria, vengono rispettivamente colorate in magenta e rosa tenue, completando il progetto e scandendo le forme del luogo. L’animazione dello spazio e l’allestimento coreografico, completano inoltre il lavoro pittorico ponendolo in una dimensione tridimensionale più ampia.
Thomas Kratz utilizza spesso differenti tecniche spaziando dalla pittura alla performance e, per questa occasione, attraverso una gestualità pittorica molto contenuta, intende ricollegarsi alla figurazione più essenziale attraverso l’utilizzo di geometrie astratte e colori uniformi, in grado di formare una nuova visione nel pensiero pittorico moderno e abbandonando, nello stesso tempo, la natura speculativa della pittura attuale, conducendo lo spettatore a una visione d’insieme sperimentale e ibrida. In questo modo l’opera di Kratz si configura in una metodologia composta di agenti materiali e immateriali.
Thomas Kratz, born in 1972, studied New Media Art at the Hochschule für Gestaltung | ZKM in Karlsruhe, achieved a Master degree with Prof. Günther Förg at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and finished his studies with a Master of Painting at the Royal College of Art in London. In addition to solo shows in Berlin, Catania, Frankfurt, Munich, Lisbon, and London, Kratz carried out a major solo show at the Bielefelder Kunstverein in 2012 accompained by a catalogue published by Mousse.