Tobias Rehberger – Wrap it up
In mostra uno dei più interessanti artisti tedeschi sulla scena internazionale dell’arte contemporanea, al confine tra arte figurativa, cultura pop e design. Sono esposte le opere su carta provenienti dalla Deutsche Bank Collection.
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Il MACRO ospita dal 19 settembre 2014 all’11 gennaio 2015 la mostra "Wrap it up" di Tobias Rehberger, uno dei più interessanti artisti tedeschi sulla scena internazionale dell'arte contemporanea, al confine tra arte figurativa, cultura pop e design.
Sono esposte le opere su carta provenienti dalla Deutsche Bank Collection, realizzate tra il 1991 e il 2003, altri lavori più recenti in cui l’artista utilizza sempre il mezzo cartaceo, e l’installazione “Infections”, composta da 33 esemplari unici di lampade, parte di un progetto ancora in corso iniziato nel 2002.
The partnership between MACRO - Contemporary Art Museum of Rome and Deutsche Bank is
continuing in 2014 too. After the exhibitions featuring Yto Barrada (September - November 2012) and Imran Qureshi (September - November 2013), winners of Deutsche Bank’s “Artist of the Year” Award, this year, from 19 September 2014 to 11 January 2015, MACRO will host the "Wrap it up" exhibition featuring Tobias Rehberger, one of the most interesting German artists of the contemporary international art scene.
“Wrap it up” reveals a so far unknown aspect of Rehberger’s oeuvre. The exhibition, curated by Friedhelm Hütte, Global Head of Art at Deutsche Bank, offers a general overview of the artist’s drawings, collages, prints and works on paper part of the Deutsche Bank Collection, which date back to the period between 1991 and 2003. In addition, Rehberger has selected various works on paper originating from private collections, from the period from 2003 up to today.
In his work Rehberger constructs futuristic environments that play with light, space, furniture, signage and clothing, inspired by modernist art history and postwar design classics.
Especially with his works on paper, he behaves like a researcher studying the relations of human beings with the objective world, whether he is copying cheap jewels or water-colouring the battlefields of Verdun in the manner of an amateur painter.
With his various forms of artistic output: sculptures, industrial objects and handcrafted articles, Rehberger explores the wider sphere of structural design and architecture, thriving on chance connections and unexpected encounters. The concept of transformation is the central theme of his art. Rehberger focuses his energies on the process of perception and of awareness, temporality and the sense of transience, discontinuity and ambiguity.
He radically questions the role of the artist and the common principles of art production. Partly autonomous works, partly sketches or reflections on projects Rehberger has realized for exhibitions and biennials, the works on paper in “Wrap it up” give a complex insight into his artistic practice.
The exhibition is illuminated by the work known as “Infections”, which consists of 33 unique examples of lampshades made from Velcro ribbon, part of a project which is still in progress, having begun in 2002. These lampshades, are originally produced by various assistants as prototypes and only altered by the artist if they do not meet his standards. However, when altering, the artist may not add any material to the original Velcro.